Italian Labour Law e-Studies
Italian Labour Law e-Studies is an open-access editorial collection related to the Italian Labour Law e-Journal.
I nuovi confini del lavoro: la trasformazione digitale
Edited by Fiorella Lunardon and Emanuele Menegatti
This volume aims to explore the topic of digital transformations in the world of work from different perspectives. It proposes multiple insights about the role played by legislators and social partners in regulating the phenomenon. The proposed reading of the phenomenon from an anthropocentric, sustainable and resilient perspective allows for an innovative approach to the issues underlying the digitalization of work.
Il volume si pone l'obiettivo di approfondire il tema delle trasformazioni digitali nel mondo del lavoro da diverse prospettive di analisi. Propone molteplici spunti di riflessione circa il ruolo giocato dal legislatore nella regolamentazione del fenomeno, ma anche dalle parti sociali e dai lavoratori, verso una transizione digitale giusta. La lettura del fenomeno proposta, che si colloca in una visione antropocentrica, sostenibile e resiliente, consente un approccio innovativo alle questioni sottese alla digitalizzazione del lavoro.

Mass influx of people from Ukraine: social entitlements and access to the labour market
Edited by Izabela Florczak and Jakub K. Adamski
The book is the result of analyses related to the effects of the ongoing war in Ukraine, which has intensified since 24 February 2022. It shows how 25 countries (including non-EU countries) have dealt with the social aspects of the massive influx of people, particularly in terms of the functioning of the labour market. The book also presents an analysis related to the introduction of temporary protection mechanisms, war-induced migration and the direct impact of the war on the Ukrainian labour market.

Law, Technology and Labour
Edited by Emanuele Menegatti
This book is a collection of the papers presented at the two-day Conference “Law, Technology and Labour”, held in Bertinoro (Forlì) on 30 June – 1 July 2022, organized by the University of Bologna, in collaboration with the Curtin University Law School (Perth, Australia), within the framework of the Jean Monnet module “EU law for Algorithm”. The conference before and now the book aim at contributing to the International and European debate on the impact of algorithms and automation on working conditions from a legal perspective.